Troy Dumbbells

Troy Dumbbells

Who are Troy Barbell & Fitness?

Troy Dumbbells are a product of Troy Barbell & Fitness, commonly referred to as just Troy, is a fitness equipment manufacturing company that was established in 1988. They have their headquarters in Houston Texas that includes a large warehouse of 164,500 square feet.

Troy’s product design initiative has allowed them to become one of the finest fitness equipment manufacturers and suppliers in North America with 37 registered US patents and a product lineup offering over 1500 options.

Their broad range of products are designed for multiple applications, including retail, light commercial, and full commercial.

Their mission statement is:

“To market free weights and fitness equipment designed in the United States while providing unequivocal excellence in quality, service, and customer satisfaction.”

Troy Dumbbell Options

Troy manufactures and supplies an extensive range of dumbbells that range in application use suitability and price ranges.

Troy also breaks down their products into three groups, each group has its own brand:

USA brand by Troy

At the lower end of the price scale is their retail products group, intended for the general consumer market such as basement and garage gyms users, marketed under the USA brand; The USA line provides best-in-class free weights and accessories for the fitness enthusiast seeking to bring the quality of the gym into the home at affordable prices.

VTX by Troy

The light commercial product range falls under the VTX brand, which is focused towards personal trainers, hotels, apartments, corporate wellness centers, as well as upscale home gyms built with commercial grade materials in mind.


Troy brand

The Troy brand is reserved for the commercial market; its product range delivers superior quality, durability, and value that will satisfy the most demanding commercial clients, and even home users who want premium products. Engineered to offer unmatched aesthetics and durability, Troy is the premium institutional and commercial grade free-weight product line.

USA Dumbbells (brand)

The USA banded dumbbells in Troy’s offering include solid cast iron hex dumbbells which are manufactured from ASTM-grade 20 cast iron which has excellent properties that are well suited for dumbbell production. The USA hex cast iron dumbbells are coated with a durable resin-based paint and baked for one hour to assure a finish that is chip, abrasion and corrosion-resistant.

These cast iron hex dumbbells are a great entry level product that offer both value for money and something that will last a long time in your home gym. Available in sizes from 3 lb to 100 lb, you are sure to find the right combination of weights for your workout.

USA by Troy hex cast iron dumbbells
USA Cast Iron Hex Dumbbells

Another USA branded dumbbell is the rubber hex. The versatile USA rubber encased hex (6-sided) dumbbells are designed for home gym use, but can be used in a variety of settings. Solid, anti-roll heads are securely affixed to all steel, chrome, contoured handles via a friction weld. Their durable rubber surface dramatically reduces noise, while helping to protect floors and equipment. Available in sizes from 3 lb to 100 lb, you are sure to find the right combination of weights for your workout.

USA hex rubber dumbbells by Troy
USA Rubber Hex Dumbbells


VTX Dumbbells (brand)

The VTX brand is aimed at the light commercial sector, such as personal trainers, hotels, apartments, corporate wellness centers, as well as upscale home gyms. The VTX lineup is more extensive than the USA branded options: let’s have a look at what Troy has to offer under their VTX brand:

Eight sided rubber encased dumbbells

The VTX 8 sided rubber encased dumbbells have been viewed as the ‘go-to’ product for users looking for an upgraded set over the hex rubber dumbbells in the USA brand range. The special blend of rubber has some virgin rubber content, which reduces the odor and improves the physical properties.
VTX 8 Sided Rubber Dumbbells
VTX 8 Sided Rubber Hex Dumbbells


The solid chrome steel, ergonomically designed handles have a medium knurl grip surface which provides comfort and a sure grip. With all these quality features at an affordable price, it’s also a popular choice of fitness conscious consumers everywhere looking to outfit their homes. These dumbbells are available from 5 lb to 125 lb in 5 lb increments.

Eight Sided Urethane Encased Dumbbells

The VTX 8 sided polyurethane dumbbells are a commercial grade product at a light commercial price. These urethane dumbbells are manufactured from a durable material that has a consistent Shore hardness value that protects the heads from damage over a long period of time.
VTX 8 Sided Urethane Dumbbells
VTX 8 Sided Urethane Dumbbells
The solid steel heads and contoured, medium knurled handles are permanently welded together for a structurally sound, one-piece solid dumbbell. Troy offers a 2 year structural warranty and 1 year warranty against manufacturer defects on this VTX branded urethane dumbbell. These dumbbells are available from 5 lb to 125 lb in 5 lb increments. Gym Gear Direct has these dumbbells listed here.

Round Urethane Dumbbells

The first round headed dumbbell in the Troy product lineup is this VTX urethane dumbbell which is aimed at the institutional sector. The high grade urethane and a proprietary construction method results in the best institutional dumbbell in the VTX dumbbell range. These also come in a weight range from 5 lb to 125 lb.
VTX Round Urethane Dumbbells
VTX Round Urethane Dumbbells

Vinyl and Neoprene Dumbbells

Troy has developed a group training, light-weight dumbbell in the VTX brand range as both vinyl and neoprene coated dumbbells.
The vinyl coated dumbbells are brightly colored, are comfortable to use and will not rust or fade under normal use. These are great for health club group exercise classes or individual home settings. With a well designed smaller ergo handle, even on larger sizes, it facilitates easier handling and better control. Each size is clearly marked with poundage and the vinyl material allows for easy cleaning.
VTX Vinyl Dumbbells.    VTX Neoprene Dumbbells
VTX Vinyl Dumbbells.                               VTX Neoprene Dumbbells

The neoprene dumbbells have a unique hex head design which helps prevent rolling and makes for an easily stackable collection. Neoprene coverings are comfortable to use and should not rust, crack or fade under normal usage. These are excellent for commercial or home settings, available in black only, and each size is marked with poundage.

Troy Dumbbells (brand)

Troy’s premium commercial dumbbells are reserved for the Troy branding. These commercial oriented dumbbells have been designed and manufactured to the highest levels in the industry, and provide superior durability, reliability and a product that you can count on for years or decades to come.

Let’s have a look at the different styles of Troy dumbbells:

Troy 12-Sided Rubber Encased Dumbbells

This is the first time we see the 12 sided dumbbell design from Troy. Troy have coined the phrase “Quiet Iron” to describe these premium rubber 12 sided dumbbells and are the best of the best when it comes to rubber heads in the Troy dumbbell lineup.
Troy 12 Sided Rubber Dumbbells
Troy 12 Sided Rubber Dumbbells
The 12 sided heads are encased in high quality virgin rubber which helps to reduce noise and protect floors and equipment, while making them virtually odor free. Precision machined, graduated steel handles are coated with a hard chrome finish to resist corrosion. 12 sided, anti-roll heads are affixed permanently for reliability and safe handling. These are perfect for any workout setting, from the most premium health club to the home. For a 5 lb to 75 lb set, check out our Troy 12 sided set with rack here.

Troy Urethane 12-Sided Dumbbells

Continuing with the 12 sided design, Troy has a premium urethane option. This ‘best-in-class’ 12 sided urethane dumbbell is a permanently fixed assembly. The solid steel heads and toughened steel handle that extends through the steel head are welded together. This provides a very robust and durable dumbbell that is fit for any high traffic, high-use environments.
The uniform 34mm solid steel hard-chrome handle, with its precision-machined medium knurl, makes each size dumbbell, from the smallest to the largest, as durable as it is comfortable to use.
Troy 12 Sided Urethane Dumbbells
Troy 12 Sided Urethane Dumbbells


The sizes available in the 12 sided urethane commercial dumbbell range are 5 lbs to 150 lbs in 5 lbs increments, however, Troy have included an additional, intermittent weight range from 7.5 lbs through to 52.5 lbs, giving you an incredible total of 40 weight options to select from.

TROY Pro Style Dumbbells Dumbbells

Troy’s cream of the crop dumbbells are the Pro-style dumbbells which are all pre-assembled by Troy to ensure each dumbbell meets the required standards that ensure they withstand the heavy use they will get in all commercial applications.
Each of the pro-style dumbbells are constructed from round iron plates that are added to create each specific weight. The plates are fixed to the handle with end caps that are bolted on. These bolts are meant to be permanently fixed and therefore, they are assembled with an impact torque wrench that tightens the bolt to 200 ft. lbs
For more information on commercial dumbbells, visit our buyer's guide here.
Troy Pro-Style Dumbbells
Troy Pro Style Dumbbells


The handles on these dumbbells have a diameter of 32mm which are contoured with a deep set knurling for functional performance. The steel, chrome end caps include the TROY name and numbers tags for easy identification. Available in 2.5 lb. increments starting at 5 lbs. up to 52.5 lbs. and in 5 lb. increments up to 150 lbs.


Troy Barbell & Fitness have been a premium fitness equipment manufacturer in North America for the past 34 years. Troy leads the industry in product design, superior materials, and unmatched quality. Their broad range of dumbbells are designed for multiple applications, including retail, light commercial, and full commercial. Gym Gear Direct are proud to be one of Troy’s top tier online retail partners. For more information on the Troy dumbbells we sell, please visit our Troy dumbbell collection here.