The seated row machine

The seated row machine


The basics of a seated row machine

A seated row machine typically consists of a weight stack, a seat, a foot plate or footrest, and a handle or cable attachment. The user sits in the seat, feet on the footplate or footrest, and grasps the handle or cable attachment. A pulley system connects the weight stack to the handle or cable attachment, which is usually located behind the seat.

The user then pulls on the handle or cable attachment, contracting the back muscles, specifically the lats, rhomboids, and middle and lower trapezius. By selecting a different weight from the weight stack, the resistance can be adjusted. Some machines have adjustable seats and footrests to accommodate users of various sizes and provide a more comfortable and customized workout.

Seated row machines can be used to work specific muscle groups or multiple muscle groups at the same time. Some machines also include extra attachments, such as a narrow or wide grip handle that can target different areas of the back. They are a key exercise for increasing back strength and muscle mass, and they are also used in rehabilitation settings to help patients recover from back injuries.

What are the pros and cons of using the seated row machine?

As with every piece of equipment there are pros and cons of using it, here we explore some of the pros and cons of using a seated row machine.

Pros of using a seated row machine:

  • Targeted muscle work: The seated row machine allows for targeted work on the muscles of the back, specifically the lats, rhomboids, and middle and lower trapezius muscles.
  • Adjustable resistance: Most seated row machines have a weight stack that can be adjusted to provide different levels of resistance, allowing for progressive overload and muscle growth.
  • Safe and controlled movement: The seated row machine provides a safe and controlled movement for the user, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Versatile: Can be used for muscle building, strength training, or rehabilitation.
  • Good for people of different fitness levels: The machine is easily adjustable to different resistance levels, making it suitable for people of different fitness levels.

Cons of using a seated row machine:

  • Limited range of motion: The seated position and fixed path of the machine can limit the range of motion, which may not be as effective as free weight exercises.
  • Lack of functional movement: Because of the fixed motion, the seated row machine does not replicate the movement patterns used in everyday activities or sports, making it less functional.
  • Not as effective for working the core: Unlike rows performed with free weights, the seated row machine does not activate the core muscles as much.
  • Can be less effective for building a balanced physique: Because the machine only targets the muscles in the back, it may not lead to a well-rounded physique as effectively as other exercises that work multiple muscle groups.
  • Requires a gym membership : Seated row machines are usually found in gym settings, meaning you need to have a membership to access one.


Can I have a seated row machine in my home gym?

Yes, it is possible to have a seated row machine in your home gym. There are various types of seated row machines that are designed for home use and are typically smaller and more compact than those found in commercial gyms. These machines can be purchased from fitness equipment retailers, both online and in-store.

When purchasing a seated row machine for your home gym, it is important to consider the size and space available in your home gym area. Some machines are designed to be more compact and take up less space, while others may require more room. It's also important to consider your own fitness level and goals, as well as budget, when choosing a machine.

It's also important to note that you might want to think about the assembly and maintenance of the machine, as well as if you have the knowledge to use it properly and avoid any injury.

Overall, having a seated row machine in your home gym can be a great way to add variety to your workout routine and target specific muscle groups, but it's important to choose a machine that is suitable for your space, budget, and fitness level.



Summary of what the seat row machine is and why it is good to own one.

A seated row machine is a type of weight training machine used to work the back muscles, specifically the lats, rhomboids, and middle and lower trapezius. The user sits on a bench or seat and uses a lever or cable to pull a weight towards their body. Seated row machines are common in gyms and are frequently used as part of a workout routine to increase back strength and muscle mass.

Having a seated row machine in your home gym can help you mix up your workout routine and target specific muscle groups. The machine enables targeted work on the back muscles, and adjustable resistance can provide varying levels of resistance, allowing for progressive overload and muscle growth. It is also a safe and controlled movement, lowering the risk of injury. It is useful for muscle development, strength training, and rehabilitation. It is also appropriate for people of various fitness levels.

However, it is critical to select a machine that is appropriate for your space, budget, and fitness level, as well as consider the machine's assembly and maintenance, as well as whether you have the knowledge to use it properly and avoid injury.



How Gym Gear Direct can help you

There are different levels of this type of machine; the light commercial machine is aimed at home gyms, hotel and condominium style gyms where the daily use is light, while the heavy duty commercial machine which is designed for hundreds of users per day and is aimed at the membership style gyms as well as university and military and similar training facilities.

There are multiple brands available on the market, however, we at Gym Gear Direct are focused on providing the very high quality options from both light commercial and heavy commercial cable machines from TKO Strength.