The Rear Deltoid Machine

The Rear Deltoid Machine

The Rear Deltoid Machine

Rear Deltoid


The basics of the rear deltoid machine

The primary muscle targeted by the rear deltoid machine is the rear deltoid, also known as the posterior deltoid. This muscle is located on the back of the shoulder and is responsible for shoulder extension, or the movement of lifting the arm backwards. When the rear deltoid machine is used, the weight stack is lifted by extending the arm backwards, which works the rear deltoid muscle through this movement.

Other muscle groups that may be engaged during use of the rear deltoid machine include the trapezius muscle in the upper back, which helps to stabilize the shoulder blades, and the rotator cuff muscles, which help to keep the shoulder joint stable and in place. Additionally, the posterior fibers of the serratus anterior muscle, which is located in the chest and helps to stabilize the scapula, may also be active.

It's worth noting that the Rear deltoid is a small muscle group and it's important to also include other exercises that target the shoulders, such as the overhead press, lateral raises, and front raises for a well-rounded shoulder workout.

Rear Deltoid machine

What are the pros and cons of using the rear deltoid machine?

As with every piece of equipment there are pros and cons of using it, and the rear deltoid machine is no different in this regard. So here, we explore some of the pros and cons of using the rear deltoid machine.


  • Targeted muscle activation: The rear deltoid machine is specifically designed to target the rear deltoid muscle, which can be difficult to target with other exercises. By using the machine, you can ensure that the rear deltoid is getting an effective workout.
  • Isolation: The rear deltoid machine allows for isolation of the muscle group, which can be helpful for people who are recovering from an injury or have muscle imbalances.
  • Good for beginners: This machine is easy to use and generally has simple instructions, which makes it a great option for beginners who are new to weightlifting.
  • Control: This machine provides a controlled range of motion, which makes it safer to use compared to other exercises like the bent-over rows.


  • Limited range of motion: The machine only allows for a limited range of motion, which can make it less effective at working the full range of muscle fibers.
  • Limited muscle engagement: Because the machine only targets the rear deltoid muscle, it doesn't engage other muscle groups that are important for overall shoulder health and stability such as the rotator cuff muscles.
  • Less functional: Rear deltoid machine is less functional than other exercises like the bent-over row, which engage multiple muscle groups and mimic everyday movements.
  • Limiting to only one machine: If the gym doesn't have the machine, or if you're working out at home, you won't be able to exercise.

In summary, the rear deltoid machine can be a useful tool for targeting the rear deltoid muscle, but it should be used in conjunction with other exercises that target the shoulders and engage other muscle groups for a well-rounded workout.


Rear Deltoid

Is it a good idea to have a rear deltoid machine in my home gym?

Whether or not a rear deltoid machine is a good idea for your home gym depends on your specific fitness goals and the equipment you already have.

If targeting the rear deltoid muscle is a priority for you, then having a rear deltoid machine in your home gym could be beneficial. It allows you to isolate and target that muscle group specifically, which can be helpful for people who are recovering from an injury or have muscle imbalances. Additionally, if you are a beginner in weightlifting and looking for a machine that is easy to use and provides a controlled range of motion, then having a rear deltoid machine could be a good choice.

However, it's worth noting that while the rear deltoid machine can be a useful tool, it should be used in conjunction with other exercises that target the shoulders and engage other muscle groups for a well-rounded workout. If you already have other equipment in your home gym that allows you to target the shoulders, such as dumbbells or resistance bands, then a rear deltoid machine may not be necessary.

Additionally, if space is an issue in your home gym, a rear deltoid machine is likely not the most efficient use of your space as it's only targeting one muscle group.

Ultimately, whether or not to include a rear deltoid machine in your home gym depends on your personal fitness goals and the equipment you already have. It's a good idea to consult with a personal trainer or a physical therapist to get a better idea of what equipment would be the most beneficial for you.

Rear Deltoid machine



A rear deltoid machine is an excellent machine to use for weight training because it targets the rear deltoid muscle, which can be difficult to target with other exercises. By using the machine, you can ensure that the rear deltoid is getting an effective workout, which can be helpful for people who are recovering from an injury or have muscle imbalances.

The machine also allows for isolation of the muscle group and provides a controlled range of motion, making it safer to use. Additionally, it is easy to use and has simple instructions, which makes it a great option for beginners who are new to weightlifting. However, it's important to note that while the rear deltoid machine can be a useful tool, it should be used in conjunction with other exercises that target the shoulders and engage other muscle groups for a well-rounded workout.

How Gym Gear Direct can help you

There are different levels of this type of machine; the light commercial machine is aimed at home gyms, hotel and condominium style gyms where the daily use is light, while the heavy duty commercial machine which is designed for hundreds of users per day and is aimed at the membership style gyms as well as university and military and similar training facilities.

There are multiple brands available on the market, however, we at Gym Gear Direct are focused on providing the very high quality options from both light commercial and heavy commercial cable machines from TKO Strength.